My Pregnancy Cravings and Healthy Snacks

April 19, 2011

When we first started telling friends and family that I was pregnant, many wanted to know what kinds of crazy cravings I was having, especially the guys. I felt like I was disappointing them when I said I wasn’t having any – no pickles and ice cream for me!

I've had normal cravings: salt (special thanks to a co-worker who brings me French fries), sweets, and comfort foods. I especially want foods from my childhood: Sausage and Egg Soufflé, Hamburger Stroganoff, and Christmas cookies just like my mom made.

Unfortunately, not all pregnant women have an easy time with food. The slight whiff of fish can send some running for the nearest restroom! But I have been really lucky and have been able to keep similar eating habits as pre-pregnancy. One thing that's different is I'm eating and trying more vegetables (I had Brussels sprouts for the first time!!), discovered a great recipe for green beans (thanks, Mom!), and found that roasting broccoli gives it an amazing flavor - even my husband will eat it.

Here is a list of healthy snacks I recommend (even for non-pregnant people!):

• Whole wheat bagels and English muffins
• Whole grain O's cereal with diced banana (bananas will help with those leg cramps!)
• Apples, oranges and grapefruit (great source of fiber and vitamin C)
• Crackers with reduced-fat string cheese
• Hot chocolate made with cocoa powder and milk
• Trail mix with M&Ms
• Yogurt with fruit (blueberries, strawberries or raspberries, bananas, mango...)
• Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese (excellent source of protein!)

I included the "recipe" for the green beans, because it is too good - and too easy - not to share. Simply use any amount of each ingredient according to your personal taste:

Green beans
Sliced mushrooms
Sliced red onion
Butter, a few tablespoons, divided
Salt, pepper, and garlic powder
Gorgonzola (optional)

Heat the stove to medium. Rinse the green beans and place in a deep skillet. Cover with a few tablespoons of butter. Place the mushrooms and onions on top and cover. Let the vegetables steam until tender, stirring a few times. Before you are ready to serve, crumble in the Gorgonzola letting it melt just a little. Enjoy!

Anna Reorda is a Guest Contributor on She is expecting her first child in May.

Photos by Barbara L. Hanson, Anncoo
