Gwyneth Paltrow Bon Appetit Cover Leaked by Blogger

May 17, 2011

Food blogger Chez Pim recently settled the rumors about an upcoming Gwyneth Paltrow Bon Appetit cover when she uploaded an image of the magazine cover to her Instagram account.

This morning, The Feast got ahold of a hard copy of the Gwyneth Paltrow Bon Appetit issue and uploaded several images of its cover and the accompanying editorial, "The Girl Can Cook." What do you think about Bon Appetit's decision to feature Paltrow on its cover?

Gwyneth Paltrow Bon Appetit


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Kathryn Vanderminden's picture

Celebrities get all the other magazine covers. Let us Foodies have ours! How about featuring small business people who work just as many hours as celebrities without all the perks/benefits/healthcare? Love Gwyneth, but she doesn't need any help, small business does! We work everyday trying to catch a break and make something of ourselves!

Andie Mitchell's picture

Good point, Katherine. I feel fine with her on the cover because her passion for cooking seems genuine and rich.

Becky 's picture

I'm sorry, but Gwyneth makes me ill. She sure is pretty, though.

anneliesz's picture

This is an interesting move. Given that the ed. AR came from GQ, it makes sense they might imbue a bit of celebrity rock n roll into Bon App. The thing that will be more important to me is whether or not the cover indicates the direction of future covers (chef pix / cookbook author pix) interspersed with food. That's a pretty big shift in my book and a play already done by Food Net. Mag. Print publishing is changed and changing but what remains the same is the bottom line. What sells my magazine? How can we stay profitable? Without profits, even a good magazine like Gourmet goes by the wayside. Or actually in that case, like a phoenix, emerges as something new and different with traces of the former. My two cents.
