Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern Diet Revealed

June 6, 2011

At a press junket this afternoon, Maria Menounos of Access Hollywood asked about Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern diet. It's a fair question; in recent weeks, leaked promotional images for the film revealed Reynolds' crave-worthy superhero body.

Protein is Ryan Reynolds' superhero diet secret, it turns out. "That's the thing about these movies, you eat twice as much as you normally would... So you're pounding, you're eating everything you can possibly eat. So much protein, it's just awful, you finish the movie, you go home and shrink," he admitted. He also said that a key aspect of his diet was resisting the baked goodies that costar Blake Lively brought on set on a near-daily basis.

Ryan Reynolds' trainer, Bobby Strom, told WebMD in an interview last winter that he cooked for Reynolds six days a week while he was filming. He prepared dishes like ground turkey, grilled salmon, and healthy Bolognese with ground bison over brown rice or brown rice pasta. These meals ensured that Reynolds had the protein he needed to take him through a day of filming and Strom's grueling 90-minute daily workouts. We suspect the workouts are the primary cause of Reynolds' ripped physique.

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Andie Mitchell's picture

Whatever he did...it worked.