Sunday Supper - Sausage and Squash Casserole

June 26, 2011

Traditionally, Sunday supper means a meal that cooks all day, filling the house with wonderful scents of home. The family sits down to a neatly set table, and conversation is punctuated by the clinking sound of ice in water glasses. 

In my home, the house smells great, but that is where the similarity ends. We seem to have one day a week that we are all together and at home. This also means we have a laundry list (including laundry) of chores around the farm. It isn't unusual for the whole family to be outside for pretty much the whole day. Dinner is fit in when it becomes dark, or the mosquitoes drive us in. 

Sausage and Squash Casserole makes a perfect busy Sunday supper. Put it together in minutes, and it bakes while you go about your business. The house is filled with the homey scent of a tasty meal, without more than a few minutes prep. Enjoy!

Sausage and Squash Casserole

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