Thirsty Thursday: The Dude Abides with a White Russian Recipe

October 27, 2011

For anyone who has seen the 1998 Coen Brothers' cult classic The Big Lebowski, you hold a special place in your heart for the White Russian cocktail. The Dude manages to suck down 9 of these classic vodka-kahlua-cream concoctions throughout the course of the film, causing a 21st century cocktail revival for this simple elixir. While the classic version is a ratio of 5:2:3, I much prefer a 4:2:1 blend - as seen below! 

The White Russian Recipe
Serves 1

2 oz vodka
1 oz coffee liquer (Kahlua or Tia Maria)
1/2 oz cream (half-and-half, whole milk or heavy cream)

Combine vodka and liqueur in an old fashioned or rocks glass with ice. Float cream on top.

Some awesome variations include...

Chai-Spiced White Russian
By infusing your vodka with ginger and cardamom, you can add a sweet-spicy kick to this winter time classic.

El Dude
Named for the Big Lebowski, this complex variation does away with the somtimes-too-sweet Kahlua and adds a few other interesting ingredients...

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