Shrimp pesto pasta is a must-try dish this spring. Strands of spaghetti are tossed with an Asian-inspired pesto and succulent shrimp. The pesto is made with the typical ingredients with some spice added including Thai chili peppers, mint, cilantro and lime juice. Make extra pesto to add to other dishes during the week including a spread for banh mi, an Vietnamese sandwich.
Shrimp Pesto Pasta
Recipe Courtesy of Linda's Yummies
12 extra-large shrimp (raw)
2 servings pasta (spaghetti or linguine)
1/2 cup yellow cherry tomatoes – sliced in half
1 tablespoon pesto oil (or substitute extra virgin olive oil)
1 garlic clove – finely chopped
3 tablespoons spicy Asian pesto (click here for recipe)
1/8 cup Parmesan cheese – freshly grated
2 teaspoons fresh parsley – roughly chopped
1/8 teaspoon dried chili flakes (optional)
salt and pepper (to taste)
Pasta -- Cook pasta until al dente or per directions on pasta box. Set cooked pasta aside until step 3 below.
Oil, Shrimp --Spoon enough oil from top of pesto to fill a tablespoon and heat in a large pan over medium-high for 1-2 minutes. Add shrimp and sear until each side is pink, 1 minute per side. Remove shrimp from pan and set aside.
Garlic, Tomatoes, Shrimp, Pasta, Parsley, Chili flakes -- Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 20-30 seconds. Add tomatoes and cook for 1 minute. Add pesto and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Add shrimp and pasta to pan. Toss to incorporate all ingredients. Turn off heat. Add parsley, chili flakes, and salt and pepper to taste. Toss well.
Final Steps -- Right beforeserving add fresh grated Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!
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