One of Julia Child's favorite dishes, Sole Meunière is a simple, elegant meal -- now, gluten...
Eggplant's are one of nature's prettiest vegetables. These orbs range from white, to...
A French farm co-op is putting animal fat to new use by converting a tractor and two vehicles to...
Julia Child may be the most famous food writer in the United States. Her books have taught...
In honor of Julia Child's upcoming birthday, I thought it would be fun to take some of her...
Olive tapenade is a versatile condiment that adds a rich flavor to whatever it's paired with....
One of the first things you learn to make in culinary school is chicken stock. It is the base...
The perfect popover is light and airy with a smooth texture. There are a few secrets to...
Cherry Clafouti Recipe This traditional French dessert is a cross between a custard or flan and a...
It might be easier to buy a bottled spice blend from the market but you are usually sacrificing...
McDonald's France has gotten serious about attracting discerning French clientele: it announced...
This recipe for minted snap peas is super simple and delicious. All you need are a few...
French fries may be the world's most consumed food. We love them thick, we love them thin...
Any soup, stock, or sauce recipe almost always starts out by sauteing onions. The onion is...
A local French bistro near us serves these fabulous peanuts when you first sit down and order...
On July 14th in 1789, the French Revolution began with the storming of Bastille, a Parisian prison...
The simple perfection of the French butter cookie... French supermarkets devote an entire aisle,...
Roasted vegetable sandwiches are part of my kitchen repertoire. I change my vegetables...
I love poached eggs. These delicate packages are delicious on toast, with beans, and atop...
Chicken cordon bleu is often thought of as a French dish but it was actually an American innovation...