This recipe was inspired by a kimchi stuffing recipe developed by Granny Choe's. I consider this...
Usually the classic recipe for "Fried Chicken Strips" is cooked, well, FRIED! The chicken breast...
This is a slight twist on the classic version. It uses no egg or garlic, but most people who taste...
Raw eggs should never be consumed unless you purchase pasturized eggs. (If using fresh eggs,...
The key to a good vinaigrette is the "3:1 rule" - 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar. If the vinegar is...
Optional canning possibility: Pour contents into sterile jars and process using a hot water bath...
This dressing is reported to have been invented at the small resort town of Clayton, NY in the...
Who doesn't like salad with bacon in it? You could also use this to top a baked potato, or toss it...