Shrimp pesto pasta is a must-try dish this spring. Strands of spaghetti are tossed with an...
This elegant shrimp salad balances the crisp flavor of Belgian endive with the sweetness of...
This is a wonderfully light recipe that can be served hot or cold, along with your favorite salad.
Genji Sushi shares their recipe for shrimp summer rolls, a popular menu item, with Foodista readers...
There are some nights that after dinner, I think ok that was good, worth sharing... then there are...
These coconut glazed grilled shrimp will transport you to paradise. Succulent shrimp are...
By this time you are sick eating fish filet sandwiches and fish sticks on Fridays. To liven...
With spring arriving, we are putting away our Dutch ovens and turning on the grill. These...
Shrimp is as delicious as it is easy and versatile. It's excellent grilled, sautéed, tossed in...
Shrimp fried rice is a Chinese take-out favorite. This same recipe can used to also make chicken or...
This blackened shrimp recipe is easy to whip up in just minutes. It's excellent served with...
Award winning cookbook author Jean Anderson is an expert on Southern cooking. She has a love...
Us Italians love our Sunday pasta dinners! This recipe is delicious and simple... why not shake...
Gumbo cupcakes from the Cupcake Project are a savory Fat Tuesday treat. When you think of...
Chef Marco Pierre White shows us how to make this easy breaded shrimp scampi recipe in just a few...
Brown rice and mushroom risotto is a healthier version of this classic Italian dish. The...
Shrimp and clam dip is a super simple appetizer. This four ingredient recipe can be whipped...
Chef Andy Oh from Pan Pacific Orchard Hotel in Singapore loves to make peddlers' noodles for...
Ang Sarap shares a copycat recipe to make Panda Express' honey walnut shrimp at home. ...
Honey garlic prawns is a favorite Chinese take-out dish. Tiger prawns are coated in...