Summery Vegetable Rigatoni - easy to make, light but satisfying and of course delicious! [Vegan]
Gooseberry Crumble: Deliciously sharp and sweet with a subtle almond flavour + lovely textured...
Summery & healthy classic Italian tomato and bread salad. 100% Vegan!
Take a break from the usual salads with this refreshing 5-ingredient strawberry cucumber salad with...
Tomatoes filled with a sweet-and-sour mix of rice, walnuts, raisins and herbs + courgettes (...
A classic British biscuit (cookie) made with currants sandwiched between not-too-sweet crunchy...
Jackfruit Caesar Salad [vegan]. A tangy, creamy, delicious dressing over the meaty texture of...
Caramelised Vegetable Bruschette. Sauteed leeks on one, oregano tomatoes and red pepper on the...
Spinach & Beetroot BAGELS! Chewy + malty in taste, vibrant and beautiful to look at! Vegan too.
Vegan + gluten-free thin crust jalapeno pizza!
Chocolate Chili Granola - crunchy, sweet, satisfying and delicious. Done in 25 minutes and vegan...
These vegan buckwheat brownie sandwiches are rich, sweet, somewhat healthy, addicting, and insanely...
A classic and the best hummus recipe that you can make in just 5 minutes. Dip it chip or fresh raw...
These Vegan Spinach Chickpea Burger are easy to make, delicious, satisfying and so healthy.
Curried lentils cooked with sweet potatoes, fire-roasted tomatoes chickpeas, this vegan and gluten-...
AMAZING Sweet Potato Risotto! Comes together in 40 minutes and only requires 10 basic ingredients....
Do yourself a favour and try this Orange Chia Cake. It’s quick to make, incredibly delicious and...
These Paprika Roasted Chickpeas are simple, quick and delicious. Eat them as a salad, add them to a...
Try this Spiced Banana Bread! It's easy to make and super delicious. 10 ingredients and vegan...
These 4 Ingredient Raw Cacao Bars are packed full of goodness and flavour. Perfect for on-the-go...