This Cumin Orange Cashew Salad only requires four ingredients and 10 minutes to make. So delicious!
These Simple Hazelnut Cookies have crisp edges, chewy middles, and more importantly, they are...
Thai red curry vegetables featuring cauliflower, sweet potatoes, carrots and onions cooked with...
This is not your regular roasted butternut squash. It's sweet and savory with garlic and...
These vegan mini calzones are jam packed with roasted vegetables and tofu, offering a variety of...
If you ask me what type of comfort food I like the most, I would tell you that it’s soup, without...
Getting tired of the same old breakfast? How about a High Protein Quinoa Yogurt Parfait? It’s...
An extremely healthy quinoa bowl mixed with vegetables and very savory dressing! Enjoy it warm as a...
A delicious crispbread recipe that is full of nuts and seeds. A much healthier alternative to...
This is a very savory eggplant for a normal after-work dinner at home. Pair it with Spicy Shrimp or...
Healthy matcha blondie recipe made gluten-free and sugar-free in a Fusion Cooker from start to...
Ginger and oyster sauce, add brown sugar, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil. (I know, it’s totally...
4 layer double dark chocolate & raspberry cheesecake with vegan meringue kisses and juicy...
Strawberries & cream are a match made in heaven and i wanted to make some pancakes...
Resturant style vegan chana masala. Tastes amazing with samosas, popadom & rice...yummy! Gluten...
20-minute vegetarian tacos with bell peppers and portobello mushrooms cooked in a savory citrus...
Kiwi and Raspberry Chia Pudding is naturally sweet and creamy. Make it ahead and keep it in the...
Cake, everybody loves cake! And fudge. So why not add the two together?
This Avocado Cucumber Salsa tastes so good that it will become your favourite appetiser in no time.
Crunchy 15 minute vegan granola with nuts, seeds, and fruit.