They taste as delicious as they look. Jumbo shrimps, or prawns if you wish, marinated with tequila...
Grilling season is hhere and with it the use of rubs and fresh herbs. Perfect rub for your...
Grilling season is hhere and with it the use of rubs and fresh herbs. Perfect rub for your...
Zucchini Feta Cheese Quiche. With the abundance of zucchini at the market, it goes without...
Ravioli with artichokes hearts, capers, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach. A meatless meal that...
This perfect tomato arugula salad only takes 7 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. One of the best...
Reading the recipes it may feel as they are so many steps. Do not get concerned about all of them,...
Asparagus soup with caramelized leeks. We all enjoy a great soup and with this mild weather we are...
I tried to do keto - it didn’t work for me. I love fruit, vegetables, and grains too much. In...
Comfort food is all I want lately. Shrimps and Grits are just that for me. Creamy soft...
I enjoyed this recipe during one of my trips and have been wanting to make it since. At my last...
As the week progresses so are the vegetables in my refrigerator. It was time to use what I had left...
Soup mood. Making a huge pot, enjoying it for lunch or dinner and storing the rest for a...
I consider salmon one of the most versatile fish. The recipes are countless. Not only is a rich in...
Beets, besides being low in calories, and a great source of nutrients including fiber, folate and...
Simplicity is what I love the most about cooking. Here is a fantastic dish that not only is very...
Having peas while growing up, was a standard side dish in my family. I enjoy them in all aspects of...
The sweet tender tomatoes roasted in the oven give out a wonderfully soft and rich flavor. Nothing...
I love fennel and enjoy the crispiness and tanginess of the anise flavor. To change things up a bit...
Asparagus with Balsamic Vinaigrettte. Ready in less than 10 minutes it makes the perfect side...