Question: How Much Cider Vinegar Should I Use For Worcestershire Sauce From Scratch

March 3, 2010
Thanks for all the responses about what kind of vinegar to use in this recipe. Can anyone answer the question about how much to use? This part of the recipe is blank. I don't know if it's 2 T. or a quart. Any help you can give would be appreciated


Jenny Richards's picture

Hi Lois,

I didn't realize I hadn't linked my blog post to the Worcestershire Sauce recipe on Foodista - so I just corrected that. If it doesn't show up real soon, you can also go look at my post for another reference (I'm the one who suggested coconut vinegar, but apple cider vinegar works fine too). Our recipe called for 2 c vinegar, but you might want to look at the other ingredients to see if they jive with the recipe you're using.

Here's a link to my post too, which should be linked to the Foodista entry shortly:

Happy sauce making!

Curt's picture

As a professional...I say, why are you making Worcestershire Sauce? It is a branded taste and homemade will not taste like anyone will expect when they see the name. Use what professional chefs use....the real thing.

Lois Downy's picture

I want to make a vegetarian version without the anchovies.