Question: How long will meat sauce keep in the refrigerator?

January 15, 2011
I'm planning to make a bunch of meat sauce for pasta and want to know how long it will last.


Barnaby Dorfman's picture

I wouldn't keep it in the fridge more than 4-5 days, but it freezes really well and will keep 6 months easy frozen.

If you do keep in the fridge, divide it into several smaller containers rather than one big one. This way it will cool faster, which will make it last longer

Jessika (Chefs at Home)'s picture

I keep all my sauces for a maximum of 3 days in the fridge. If I know I have too much, I freeze immediately.

Foodie Relations's picture

I freeze everything in quart size zip lock baggies. This is a great way to save leftovers, save space, and have quick easy access to meals when time is lacking.

colombe's picture

can I put hot sauce in a jar and keep it in the cupboard without canning