Question: Are Quail Eggs Better Than Chicken Eggs?

February 26, 2010 Join the discussion here or at my blog


Barnaby Dorfman's picture

I'd have a hard time saying they better, but certainly different. Also kind of depends on your use. I prefer quail eggs raw...they are so rich and creamy. However, I wouldn't want to make a large omelet out of them!

Curt's picture

If they are organic....yes. They are small...these days small is good. At Bill the Butcher we also have a great line of organic dairy products including Duck Eggs, Scavenger Chicken Eggs, Organic Eggs and Quail Eggs. They are very popular.

Curt's picture

Duck Eggs are the fullest flavoried egg money can buy. Quail eggs are kind of in the same ball park but the egg is much smaller but just as fortified. Both are very, very flavorful. Imagine egg yolks about 3 or 4 times richer.

Chris Paulk's picture

They are very different and would be presented differently.