The First Animal Welfare Approved Restaurant Opens

October 19, 2011

Grazin, a 50's style diner in Hudson, NY, is America's first Aminal Welfare Approved restaurant to date. This certification ensures that everything served in the restaurant comes from family farms within an 11 mile radius. 

Check out the Grazin Diner's website after the jump.

Be sure to check out their menu online. That burger with caramelized onions and raw milk blue cheese is calling my name. I feel a plane trip coming on; you know, for work. 

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balkan music lover's picture

Fantastic! It has long amazed me that animal welfare interests are not routinely reconciled with agricultural interests. Sure it costs more to produce humanely raised meat, but then you just raise the price. Demand will go down, but since your supply has gone down too (more space and production costs = less supply) then some equilibrium will be reached. I just wish there was some way to stymie the race to the bottom. Oh well, this is a good first step.