Yellow Dock


Yellow dock is a plant that often grows as a weed. The seeds are edible and high in riboflavins, and the root is used medicinally to aid digestion and soothe skin ailments.


Translations: LCD Dock, Galben Dock, Žute Usidravanje, Żółty Dock, Gul Dock, Желтые Док, أصفر حوض, 옐로우 독, Žlutá Dock, Yellow pantalan, 黄河码头, Llengua de Vaca, Rumene Dock, Žltá Dock, Giallo Dock, צהוב עגן, Gul Dock, Жута Усидравање, イエロードック, Jaune Dock, Gul Dock, पीला डॉक, Lengua de Vaca, Жовті Док, Keltainen Dock, Жълти Dock



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