Fennel Pollen
Fennel Pollen tastes very similar to fennel seed, but stronger and with slight honey overtones. It grows like a flower off of the fennel plant in late summer. It is most often bright yellow. It has a potent flavor and a little bit goes a long way, so use sparingly. It's delicious lightly sprinkled over fish, pork, lamb, and chicken dishes. Fennel pollen is very popular in Italy where they make fennel pesto or mix it with olive oil for bread.
Other names: Fennel, Fennel Dust
Translations: Fenheļa Ziedputekšņi, Pankoliai Žiedadulkės, Fenicul Polen, Komorač Pollen, Fennel Phấn Hoa, Koper Pollen, Venkel Pollen, सौंफ़ पराग, O pólen de erva-doce, Фенхель Пыльца, Μάραθο Pollen, فينيل اللقاح., 회향 꽃가루, Fenykl Pyl, Adas Pollen, Haras pollen, 茴香花粉, Fonoll pol len, Koromač Pollen, Fenikel Peľ, Finocchi Polline, שומר אבקה, Fänkål Pollen, Морач Полен, フェンネル花粉, Fenouil Pollen, Fenchelpollen, Fennikel Pollen, Fennikel Pollen, Hinojo polen, Фенхель Пилок, Fenkoli Pollen, Копър прашец