Pecorino Siciliano


An Italian whole sheeps' milk cheese that has DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta, or Protected Designation of Origin) status. It is the oldest cheese in Sicily and is referred to by ancient Greek authors. It is an uncooked, hard cheese that is aged for 4 months. It is used as a table cheese and for grating. The rind is thin and can be light or dark yellow. The cheese is white to yellow-white. It has a pungent scent and a distinct sharp taste. It is produced in all of Sicily.


Translations: Pecorino siciliano, «Pecorino siciliano, ペコリーノシシリアーノ, פקורינו Siciliano, Пекорино Сисилиано, Пекоріно Сісіліано, 佩科里诺西西利亚诺, Пецорино Сицилиано, Pecorino Sicilià



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