Cauliflower Mushroom


Cauliflower Mushroom also known as White fungus grow at the base of pine, spruce or oak stumps is mainly used as ingredients for soups, casseroles or stews and its deeply fried thin slices coated with a beer batter, often served as an appetizer.


Translations: Ziedkāposti Sēņu, Žiediniai kopūstai Grybavimas, Conopida cu ciuperci, Karfiol gljiva, Súp lơ trắng nấm, Kalafior Mushroom, Bloemkool Mushroom, गोभी मशरूम, Couve-flor Mushroom, Цветная капуста грибов, Κουνουπίδι Μανιτάρια, قرنبيط الفطر, 콜리플라워 버섯, Květák hub, Kembang kol Jamur, Kuliplor kabute, 花椰菜蘑菇, Coliflor Xampinyó, Cvetača Mushroom, Karfiol húb, Cavolfiore ai funghi, כרובית פטריות, Blomkål Mushroom, Карфиол гљива, カリフラワーマッシュルーム, Chou-fleur aux champignons, Blumenkohl Mushroom, Blomkål Mushroom, Blomkål Mushroom, Coliflor Champiñón, Цвітна капуста грибів, Kukkakaali Mushroom, Карфиол гъби



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