Baked Milk


Baked milk, now being produced on an industrial scale, is a variety of boiled milk that has been particularly popular in Russia and Ukraine and is made by cooking boiled milk on low heat for eight hours or more.


Translations: Cep Piens, Keptos Pienas, Lapte acru, Zapečeni Mlijeko, Nướng sữa, Mleko zapiekane, Gebakken Melk, बेक किया हुआ दूध, Leite Assado, Топленое молоко, Baked Γάλα, خبز وحليب, 구운 우유, Pečené Mléko, Запечени млека, Inihurnong Milk, 烤奶, Llet rostida, Pečen Milk, Pečené Mlieko, Latte al forno, חלב אפוי, Baked Mjölk, Baked Susu, 焼きたての牛乳, Lactiques, Gebackene Milch, Bagt Mælk, Bakte Milk, Leche asada, Топлене молоко, Baked Maito, Печени Мляко



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