Lollo Rossa Lettuce


The magenta colored leaves have a light green base and are mild tasting. A delicious, very deeply curled loose leaf variety of lettuce.


Other names: lettuce, red lettuce
Translations: Lollo rossa salātu, Lollo rossa Salotos, Lollo Rossa Salată verde, Lollo Rossa Zelena salata, Lollo Rossa Rau diếp, Lollo Rossa Sałata, Lollo Rossa Sla, Lollo Rossa लेटिष, Alface Lollo Rossa, Lollo Rossa Салаты, Lollo Rossa Μαρούλι, Lollo روسا الخس, Lollo Rossa 상추, Salát Lollo Rossa, Лолло Црвена Зелена салата, Lollo Rossa litsugas, 洛洛罗萨生菜, Lollo Rossa Enciam, Lollo Rossa Solata, Šalát lollo Rossa, Lattuga Lollo Rossa, Lollo רוסה חסה, Lollo Rossa Sallat, Lettuce Lollo Rossa, Lolloロッサレタス, Laitue Lollo Rossa, Lollo Rossa Salat, Lollo Rossa Salat, Lollo Rossa Salat, Lollo Rossa Lechuga, Lollo Rossa Салати, Lollo Rossa Salaatit, Лоло Роса марули

Physical Description

An excellent flavored Italian variety lettuce, Lollo Rossa is a compact, non-hearting variety. This frilly lettuce is an intense red color, with thick, crunchy leaves.

Colors: Red leaves with green stems

Tasting Notes

Flavors: mild, fresh, earthy
Mouthfeel: Crisp, Buttery
Food complements: Tomatoes, Olive oil, Lemon juice, Garlic
Substitutes: Red leaf lettuce, Butter lettuce, Green leaf lettuce, Red sail lettuce

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: may, june, july, august, september
Peak: may, june, july, august, september
Choosing: Look for firm upright leaves with no visible wilting or blemishes.

Preparation and Use

Cleaning: Rinse the leaves under cool water and spin or shake to dry.

Conserving and Storing

For best results, pick when ready to use. Store refrigerated.



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