Ginger Gold Apple


The Ginger Gold Apple was discovered in Ginger Harvey's orchard in Virginia, thus the name "Ginger Gold." This happens to be a chance seedling which is unique in that it was not developed in a research center where many new varieties are derived. The fruit is golden yellow, medium to large size, smooth and typey, sweet and only mildly tart. The flesh is white to creamy, with good storage life for an early season apple. Ginger Gold is being planted across the country in small acreage's, receiving great acceptance in the local marketplace. This is likely to be one of the first fresh eating apples of the year. Look for this variety to come in mid August, (shelf life-3 months in regular storage)A variety of apple that has pale green outer skin and a cream colored crisp textured flesh. It has a slightly tart flavor that is excellent for baking, cooking or for eating as a snack. It is a variety that turns brown slowly, so it is a good choice for use in fresh cut servings.



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