Commodore Green Snap Bean


Commodore green beans are also known as bush beans. They're a flavorful bean that matures at 5-6" long, with a stringless pod.


Other names: bush beans, pole beans, green beans, snap beans
Translations: Commodore Zaļā Bean, Commodore Žalioji Bean, Commodore de fasole verde, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore đậu xanh, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, कमोडोर ग्रीन बीन, Commodore Feijão Verde, Commodore Грин Бин, Commodore Πράσινη Bean, الكومودور الفاصوليا الخضراء, 제독 녹색 콩, Commodore fazolové, Комодор Зелена Бин, Komodoro Green Bean, 科莫多尔绿豆, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore fazuľové, Commodore Fagiolino, קומודור שעועית ירוקה, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, コモドールグリーンビーン, Commodore haricots verts, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore Грін Бін, Commodore Green Bean, Commodore зелен боб

Physical Description

Fresh, supple pods about 5" long, a deep emerald green in color and coming to a slight point at either end.

Colors: green, dark green

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Fresh, green, earthy
Mouthfeel: Crisp, Fleshy pods. snap lightly when bitten into. cook only to al dente.
Food complements: Lemon, Thyme, Dill, Garlic, Chili, Tomato, Sauteed onion, Mushrooms, Sweet potato, Grilled meats, Cashews, Peanuts, Almonds, Cheeses, Butter, Cranberries
Wine complements: Dry whites
Substitutes: Green pole beans, Yellow wax beans, Snap peas, Young romano beans

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: june, july, august, september
Peak: july, august
Choosing: Purchase beans that have smooth feel and a vibrant green color, and that are free from brown spots or bruises. They should have a firm texture and 'snap' when broken.
(WH Foods)

Preparation and Use

Cleaning: Just prior to using the green beans, wash them under running water. Remove both ends of the beans by either snapping them off or cutting them with a knife.
(WH Foods)

Conserving and Storing

Store unwashed fresh beans pods in a plastic bag kept in the refrigerator crisper. (WH Foods)


History: Green beans and other beans, such are kidney beans, navy beans and black beans are all known scientifically as Phaseolus vulgaris. They are all referred to as "common beans," probably owing to the fact that they all derived from a common bean ancestor that originated in Peru. From there, they were spread throughout South and Central America by migrating Indian tribes. They were introduced into Europe around the 16h century by Spanish explorers returning from their voyages to the New World, and subsequently were spread through many other parts of the world by Spanish and Portuguese traders. Today, the largest commercial producers of fresh green beans include the United States, China, Japan, Spain, Italy and France.
(WH Foods)



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