Wild Rainbow Trout


The Rainbow trout are members of the salmon family and can grow quite large. It is found in Pacific coastal waters and migrates to the rivers and streams to spawn. They are native to the rivers and lakes of North America, west of the Rocky Mountains.

The wild Rainbow trout also known as a Steelhead is a sea-going fish. They can weigh around 8-9 pounds but has been known to reach 36 pounds.Rainbow Trouts have a number of small black spots all over the body and characterized by a colorful red band along the side. The Steelhead however, tend to be more silvery.

The Rainbow trout and Steelhead is prized all over the world as a game fish and for its food quality. They can be prepared in a variety of ways: fried, baked, broiled or grilled.


Other names: Steelhead
Translations: Savvaļas varavīksnes forele, Laukiniai Vaivorykštinis upėtakis, Wild pstrąg tęczowy, Wild regnbueørret, Rainbow Trout Wild, Траут диких Рейнбоу, Άγρια πέστροφα, سمك السلمون المرقط البرية قوس قزح, 야생 무지개 송어, Divoké Pstruh duhový, Wild Trout Rainbow, 野生虹鳟, Truita arc de Sant Martí salvatge, Divoké Pstruh dúhový, הפרוע טראוט קשת, Wild Regnbågsöring, Дивља пастрмка, ワイルドレインボートラウト, Truite arc-Wild, जंगली इंद्रधनुष, Trucha arco iris salvaje, Траут диких Мосту, Wild Kirjolohi, Диви пъстърва



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