Edible Pod Peas


A cultivar group of edible-podded peas similar to a garden, or English, pea, but the pod is less fibrous, and edible when young. Pods of the edible-podded pea, including snap peas, do not have a membrane and do not open when ripe. At maturity, the pods grow to around 4-8 cm in length, Pods contain three to five peas per pod. Varieties include snow peas and sugar snap peas.


Other names: Edible-Pod Peas
Translations: Ēdami Pod Zirņi, Valgomieji Pod Žirniai, Mazăre comestibile Pod, Jestive Pod Grašak, Ăn được Pod Peas, Pod jadalne Peas, Eetbare Pod Erwten, खाद्य फली मटर, Comestíveis Peas Pod, Съедобные Peas Pod, Βρώσιμα Μπιζέλια Pod, البازلاء قرنة قابلة للأكل, 식용 포드 완두콩을, Jedlé Pod Hrách, Edible Pod kapri, Nakakain Pod mga gisantes, 食用荚豌豆, Els pèsols comestibles Beina, Užitni Grah Pod, Jedlé Pod Hrach, Piselli Pod commestibili, Pod Peas אכילים, Ätbara Pod Ärter, Јестиве Под Грашак, 食用ポッドピーズ, Pois Pod comestibles, Essbare Pod Peas, Spiselige Pod Ærter, Spiselige Pod Peas, Los guisantes comestibles Vaina, Їстівні Peas Pod, Syötävä Pod herneet, Хранителни Грах Pod

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