Question: The Best Canned tomatoes and where to buy them

July 30, 2010
I am doing a comparison for the best canned tomatoes. I have a lot listed already but if you know of a brand that is really good can you please share?


Stephanie Jobst's picture

I really like the Dei Fratrelli brand!

Chris Paulk's picture

I'm pretty partial to the Cento Brand- San Marzano tomatoes with a large fresh piece of basil canned with them. They're very good- not too salty and reasonably priced. The can has a bright yellow label with red lettering.

Kate's picture

I will second the vote for Cento's San Marzanos. In a recipe where you need the tomatoes to stand out, they are totally worth it.

The Heritage Cook's picture

Probably the easiest to find of the "better" canned tomatoes is Muir Glen.