Question: Uploading recipe pictures

July 22, 2010
Hi , I am having problems uploading the pictures for my recipes despite following the instructions. What am i doing wrong any suggestions. Sazzie juuluumfood


Chris Paulk's picture

It's possible that the picture size is too large. Try clicking on your picture and saving it as -.(whatever name)
It should give you an option to change the picture size.

Barnaby Dorfman's picture

Can you share a bit more about what's happening? Does it start and then stop? Do you get an error message? Any additional details will help.

Amy B.'s picture

I checked your blog post and when I click the widget, it does go directly to the salmon page, since what you used is the widget for Salmon.

I also saw that you have posted the recipe here in Foodista. So it follows that there's also a separate widget available for that recipe that you can post in your blog.

What exactly did you want to happen? Did you want the widget of the recipe to show up instead of the salmon widget that you have now in your blog post?

If you want the recipe widget to appear instead, you can go to this link:

That will allow you to edit the widget (photo,color,size and style), and the corresponding code for your widget. Copy and paste this code in your blog post. Also dont forget to discard the old code. Please let us know what happens :-)

Hope this helped!