Question: Substituting Shortening In Chocolate Glaze Recipe?

March 18, 2010
I have an old recipe for a chocolate glaze that tops a frozen mocha torte. It calls for 8 oz semi-sweet chocolate and 3 tbsp shortening, melted together in a double boiler. Can I sub cream for the shortening and if so in what ratio? Thks foodistas!


Curt's picture

Chocolate Ganache...which is what you will be making when you take out the shortening and use cream instead. Chocolate Ganache may be the best thing you could ever want to make and eat!!!

For Ganache:

Place a bag of chocolate chips (12oz by weight) into a metal bowl.

Bring 8oz (1 cup) of cream to a boil.

Pour the hot cream into the bowl of chips and blend with a whisk until smooth.

The more it cools the thicker it will get. Glaze your mocha when the ganache is cool enough to not melt the torte. You may want to do it in steps...glaze a another, etc.

cookie's picture

Thks Curtis - I'll try that