Iraqi Style Turnip and Beet Pickles - Shalgham Wa Shwandar


2 pounds small turnips, halved and then sliced
3 cups water
4 tablespoons of pickling salt


Start by washing the vegetables very well. If you've purchased your turnips from the farmers market (and you should) you will need to rinse them off first, then scrub.
Scrub and scrape away blemishes or brown areas. Do not peel, if the turnips are small, just cut across. Note: Some recipes call for peeling the turnips, but I find that the peel adds crunch.
Wash and peel the beets as the outer peel is tough. I prefer to peel the beets under running water to prevent my hands from staining. Of course, you can always use gloves. Peel and half the garlic cloves.
When all the veggies are ready, then it's time to layer the pickles. In a large jar, place a couple of garlic and beet slices. Pack in the turnips. I top them off with another couple of slices of beets.
Continue until you fill all your jars.
Combine the vinegar, water and stir in the salt until it dissolves. Pour the liquid over the turnips, and cover the jars tightly with a nonreactive cap. Close jars, and turn them upside down 2-3 times to allow the color to distribute evenly.
These pickles keep very well for 2 weeks unrefrigerated and will last much longer if kept in the refrigerator.


YEZEN's picture

MmmmmmmmmmM .. Thanks for Recipe

Jay's picture

I have a question about the vinegar/water/salt, mixture? Do you heat it beforehand or do you use the mixture cold?
Thank you

Chef Somer's picture

Hi Jay, no need to heat the mixture. Once you mix the water, vinegar and salt, just pour over the beet and turnips.
Let me know how it goes. Happy Cooking.


The beets will give the turnips such a beautiful pinkish hue. I remember watching my mom pour the brine into the jar and watching the crimson red, turn the white turnips a vibrant shade of pink. Once she sealed the jars we were allowed to flip the jars over and watch the color fill the jar.




Saturday, February 12, 2011 - 8:30am


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