Thick Maple Yogurt


2 quarts plain yogurt (preferably whole milk)
3 1/2 ounces maple syrup


Line a collander with a doubled cheese cloth, dish towel, or flour sack cloth.
Pour the 2 quarts of yogurt into the cloth, then lift the corners of the cloth to make a pouch. Twist until the yogurt is being very gently squeezed and liquid drains, but not so the yogurt itself is squeezed out.
When the draining slows, place the pouch into the collander and then place the collander into a bowl with a couple of inches between the bottom of the collander and the bottom of the bowl (to allow for the drained liquid to accumulate) Place in the refrigerator and allow to drain for 2-3 hours.
Remove yogurt from refrigerator. You will have lost 25-35%% in volume from the liquid that drained off, leaving a much thicker yogurt.
Scrape the yogurt from the cloth into a storage container. Stir in the 3.5 ounces of maple syrup.




If you love Greek yogurt, but have a hard time justifying the high price for the supermarket brands, this is a great way to make it at home, control the ingredients, and save money.

The primary difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt is that Greek yogurt has excess moisture strained from it, creating the thicker, creamier product we all know and love. That's what you're doing here. If you don't like maple syrup, try frozen strawberries and some baker's sugar. Try cherry pie filling. Try apples and honey. Once you get your recipe to your liking, you'll never be able to eat that watery "regular" yogurt again.


7.0 six ounce servings


Monday, November 30, 2009 - 12:48pm


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