Green Globe Pomegranate


The Green Globe pomegranate is a large green-skinned aromatic fruit with edible deep ruby red seeds that are extremely juicy, nicely crunchy, and abound with antioxidants.


Translations: Zaļa Globe Pomegranate, Green Globe Granatai, Green Globe Rodii, Green Globe nar, Quả cầu màu xanh lá cây lựu, Green Globe Granaty, Green Globe Granaatappel, ग्रीन ग्लोब अनार, Green Globe Romã, & Гранат, Πράσινη Globe Ρόδια, الأخضر غلوب الرمان, 그린 글로브 석류, Green Globe Granátové jablko, Green Globe granada, 绿色地球石榴, Green Globe Granada, Green Globe Granatno jabolko, Green Globe Granátové jablko, Green Globe Melograno, הגלובוס הירוק רימון, Зелена глобус нар, グリーングローブザクロ, Green Globe Granatapfel, Green Globe Granada, & Гранат, Green Globe Granaattiomena, Зелена глобус Нар



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