Chinese Strawberry Tree


The Strawberry Tree is evergreen and grows up to 15' to 30' tall. Flowers are tiny, white, bell-shaped and pollinated by bees. The fruit is more mild tasting than a strawberry with a touch of mulberry. Fruit ripens from green to red and yellow. Strawberry Trees take a full year to become ripe and can be harvested when the following year's flowers begin to bloom.


Translations: Ķīnas Zemeņu Tree, Kinijos Braškių medis, Chineză Strawberry Tree, Kineski planika, Cây dâu Trung Quốc, Chiński Strawberry Tree, चीनी स्ट्राबेरी ट्री, Medronheiro chinês, Три китайских Клубника, Κινέζικα κουμαριά, شجرة الفراولة الصينية, 중국어 딸기 나무, Číňan Strawberry Tree, Кинески Јагоде Дрво, Intsik Strawberry Tree, 中国草莓树, Arboç xinesos, Kitajski Strawberry Tree, Číňan Strawberry Tree, Strawberry Tree cinese, תות עץ סיני, Kinesiska Strawberry Tree, Cina Strawberry Tree, 中国ストロベリーツリー, Arbre aux fraises chinoises, Chinesische Strawberry Tree, Kinesisk Jordbærtræ, Kinesisk Strawberry Tree, Madroño chinos, Три китайських Полуниця, Kiinan Mansikkapuu, Китайски арбутус



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