Climax Blueberries


These are a meduim to large blueberry with a dark blue color and a subtle flavor profile of tartness and sweetness. The berrieis are grown and picked at the optimal time for producing a wonderfully well rounded addition to any muffin, pie or cake.


Translations: Climax mellenēm, Climax vaivorai, Afinele Climax, Climax Borovnice, Climax quất, Climax Borówki, Climax Bosbessen, चरमोत्कर्ष ब्लूबेरी, Климакс голубика, Climax Προσκοπίνες, ذروة العنب البري, 클라이맥스 블루베리, Climax Borůvky, Blueberry klimaks, Climax blueberries, 蓝莓高潮, Clímax nabius, Climax Borovnice, Climax Čučoriedky, Climax Mirtilli, Climax אוכמניות, Climax blåbär, Врхунац Боровнице, クライマックスブルーベリー, Climax Bleuets, Climax Heidelbeeren, Climax Blåbær, Klimaks Blåbær, Clímax arándanos, Клімакс лохина, Climax Mustikat, Climax боровинки



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