Bring a little bit of heat to your next holiday meal with these Smoked Mac and Cheese Stuffed...
Spice up your favorite mac n' cheese recipe with some finely diced jalapenos. The...
This hot and cheesy jalapeno tater tot dip from Life's Ambrosia is a tasty tailgating appetizer...
Blueberry jalapeno jam from Garnish with Lemon is a sweet and spicy summertime condiment. ...
Watermelon gazpacho is a modern take on this classic cold Spanish soup. This recipe...
This light version of jalapeno cheese cornbread from Peanut Butter and Peppers can be whipped up in...
Whether you are throwing a party or just want to cook up a small bite to eat, these jalapeno corn...
Cheesy jalapeno monkey bread is an easy snack that the whole family can enjoy. Using a little...
Change up your cocktail and sip on something a little different like Thai basil sangria. ...
Gluten-free jalapeno poppers are a wheat-free appetizer perfect for gameday. These spicy...
Don't order breadsticks, put back the canned biscuits, and make this chile and cheese pull...
These jalapeno chicken fajitas are a quick and easy meal you can make any night of the week. ...
Friends are the most wonderful gift of life. I am a very fortunate person to have very long...
Why not, add a little extra life to the traditional egg salad! The jalapeño does just that. Serve...
These savory stuffed corn muffins are a tasty accompaniment to any meal of the day. A plain...
This watermelon jalapeno cooler is a sweet and spicy cocktail. Refreshing watermelon is...
These home fries are delicious with any meal. With Love, Catherine xo
Serve with your favorite fresh vegetables or fruit or as a spread. With Love, Catherine xo
Jalapeno corn griddle cakes are an easy summertime dinner. The standard cornmeal cake batter...