Spring has sprung and with it our little patio garden of tender lettuces and aromatic herbs....
These Paprika Roasted Chickpeas are simple, quick and delicious. Eat them as a salad, add them to a...
Kale and lentil salad packs a powerful punch of protein. Since this salad uses a variety of...
Ärtsoppa, a yellow split pea soup, is a classic Swedish staple. The yellow split pea soup is best...
You can't talk about beans without mentioning the great chili and beans debate. There are...
Conventional culinary wisdom dictates that dried beans should be soaked for at least 12 hours or...
Black eyed peas are a staple in American Southern cuisine. Referred to simply as "peas,...
Cranberry, black, pinto, kidney, broad, speckled - at first glance you might think I am talking...
If you are in the mood for sloppy Joes but want to stick to your meatless monday tradition, we'...
This lentil and walnut salad from Delicious Vitality is a meatless meal packed with nutrition....
This dish is a dish is very delicious and really quite easy, just set aside the time to make it....
Curried lentil and spinach soup is warm and comforting. Not only is this soup delicious but...
Black eyed peas are a staple in Southern cooking but they are usually cooked with pork products....
This quick chana masala is Indian food made easy. We are often intimidated by Indian food and...
Sweet peas have arrived at the farmers market, spring is here! Peas & pancetta - one of my...
Possibly the easiest salad in the world, this incredibly healthy combination of iron loving lentils...
Red beans, black beans, canellini beans, garbanzo beans, green beans - with so many available...
If your pantry is loaded with an overstock of emergency canned beans, fear not, because there are...
This salad is perfect for outings. A few hours in the sun won't leave you with grody mayo or slimy...