Yellow Baby Watermelon


Rated best in taste tests, even beating standard red varieties. Naturally self-pollinating and almost entirely seedless. All its energy is devoted to producing more crisp, yellow, juicy flesh. This early, 10lb. ice-box size melon even tolerates cooler weather.

Sowing Instructions: Start seed directly outdoors after all danger of frost, when the ground has thoroughly warmed. Melons prefer a rich, but free draining soil. Seeds can be started indoors 4-6 weeks prior to last frost date in peat pots. Sow seed tin deep, either in hills of 2-3 seeds, or 4ft apart in rows. Allow 4ft between rows/hills.Growing Instructions: Seeds germinate in about 4-8 days at 20-30C (70-85F) soil temperature. Keep soil adequately moist during the season, but don't overwater at ripening time.


Translations: Yellow Baby Arbūzi, LCD Baby arbūzas, Pepene galben pentru copii, Žuta Baby lubenica, Yellow Baby Dưa hấu, Żółty Watermelon Baby, Yellow Baby Watermeloen, पीले बेबी तरबूज, Melancia Baby Amarelo, Желтые арбузы Baby, Κίτρινο καρπούζι Baby, البطيخ الأصفر الطفل, 옐로우 베이비 수박, Žlutý Baby Meloun, Bayi Kuning Semangka, Yellow Baby pakwan, 黄色婴儿西瓜, Síndria nadó Groc, Rumene Baby Lubenica, Žltý Baby Meloun, Baby Watermelon Giallo, בייבי צהוב אבטיח, Gul Baby Vattenmelon, Жута бебе Лубеница, イエローベビースイカ, Watermelon bébé Jaune, Yellow Baby Wassermelone, Gul Baby Vandmelon, Gul Baby Watermelon, Sandía bebé Amarillo, Жовті кавуни Baby, Keltainen Baby Vesimeloni, Жълти Baby диня



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