2% Milk


Low-fat milk containing only 2%% of fat content.


Translations: 2% Piens, 2% pieno, 2% Lapte, 2% mlijeka, Mleko 2%, 2% Melk, 2% दूध, Leite de 2%, 2% молока, 2% Γάλα, 2 ٪ حليب, 2 %의 우유, 2% mléko, 2% Susu, 2%的牛奶, 2% de llet, 2% mlečne, 2% mlieko, 2% del latte, 2% חלב, 2% Mjölk, 2% млека, 2%ミルク, Lait 2%, 2% Milch, 2% Mælk, 2% de leche, 2% молока, 2% Maito, 2 процента млечните

Physical Description

Translucent to opaque white liquid.

Colors: white

Tasting Notes

Flavors: sweet
Mouthfeel: Creamier
Food complements: Honey (in hot milk), Chocolate
Substitutes: Soy milk, Skim milk, Almond milk

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: You can buy organic or non organic milk from the grocery story. Any brand is good.
Buying: Supermarkets.
Procuring: NA

Preparation and Use

Used in drinking as milk, milkshakes, rice dishes for desserts, juices

Cleaning: You can boil the milk to make sure you get rid of bacteria.

Conserving and Storing

Milk can be stored up to the expiration (and about an additional week) date in refrigerator



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