Low Carb-O-Nara


4 ounces sliced applewood smoked bacon (we used more than 4 oz)
3 ounces large yellow onions (about 12 each)
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons unsalted butter
Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons freshly grated Parmesan, plus extra for sprinkling


Chop the uncooked bacon into little bits.
Slice the onions into thin rings. Remove the center section of the onion (so you're left with large rings) and put those aside for another use (I stuck mine into the freezer for use with French onion soup).
Slice the ring so when you loosen the onions you're left with strands and not rings. You should have about 8 cups of onions.
Place a steamer basket over simmering water and place the onion strands into the basket. Allow to steam for 5 - 6 minutes, or until the onions are translucent but 'al dente.' Remove the basket from the pot to drain the onions. This step can be done ahead.
Place the bacon into a large non-stick skillet and saute over medium high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often. Cook until the bacon is crisp and brown.
Transfer to paper towels to drain and pour off the fat.
In a small bowl, mix together 1/4 c of cream and the egg yolk. Set aside.
Return the skillet to the burner and add the butter over medium heat. Add the bacon back to the pan and the remaining 1/4 c of cream. Simmer for 30 seconds.
Add the onions to the pan and add salt and pepper and toss for 2 - 3 minutes until heated through and coated thoroughly.
Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the reserved cream with egg yolk and the parmesan. Toss to coat.
Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.




This recipe comes from Michel Richard's Happy in the Kitchen cookbook. It's a brilliant re-thinking of a classic Italian carbonara, using onions in place of the pasta. It's super easy, and tastes terrific too. Serve it with a big salad with a good vinaigrette.


2.0 entree servings, 4 appetizer


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - 1:49am


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