Drink Blog of the Day Archive

July 12, 2011
I was *this close* to getting an espresso machine. Citiz+milk was the model i was eyeing on and i went on youtube to watch unboxing videos and demos practically all day & night.
July 11, 2011
One thing my mom always mentions, when we’re discussing food + recipes, is that my breakfasts are fairly calorie dense. We all know that as you become older [and wiser], your metabolism slows down.
July 10, 2011
We asked for it and now we have it, perfect 4th of July weather, hot and sunny just the way it's supposed to be. We at home are getting ready to watch the fire work tonight. How did you all spend the day.
July 9, 2011
Let’s face it: a milkshake is just a way to eat double the amount of ice cream in half the time. And I’m okay with that. Now that it’s summer (also known as the time of year I try to avoid using my propane oven as much as possible—life in the country ain’t so grand), we will be drinking our desserts.
July 8, 2011
Most of us have a jam-packed freezer but mine is always less than half full. Though I am an impulsive buyer still I don’t prefer to stock food for longer time. My freezer is usually loaded with a pint of ice-cream, puff pastry sheets, naan, green peas, galangal, lemon grass, thai chili and a packet of my favorite Indian mangoes.
July 7, 2011
There’s nothing like sitting out on my deck on a hot summer day enjoying the fresh air and a cold beverage in hand to cool me off. In summers past, many times that cold beverage may have had a splash or more of something containing alcohol. These days, being 6 months pregnant that’s not an option so I wanted to come up with something non-alcoholic that felt summery and festive.
July 6, 2011
I can remember everyone (ok not everyone but almost) had been drinking strawberry limes in Germany a few years ago. It is not that popular anymore although the taste is still great.
July 5, 2011
This is where the Sangria comes in. I love Sangria of all forms. Really, I love most cocktails..who doesn't? But this one is white Sangria.
July 4, 2011
Coming to the recipe of the day - everyone hereabouts must be enjoying the berry bounty of summer. We are no exception. The farmer's market is brimming with greens not so much berries, but I got some from Costco.
July 3, 2011
Keeping with the simple and easy theme, here is another fast recipe that literally takes about 5 minutes to make. This rich, chocolaty shake tastes absolutely sinful but without the guilt!
July 2, 2011
I simply adore fresh homemade drinks to rejuvenate myself, be it Aam-Panna, Jal-Jeera { coming soon ;-) } or Lemonade
July 1, 2011
Bacchus and Beery Wine BlogWith summer soon to be upon us and the patio calling for an evening of warm sunsets and cool white wines, I thought I’d share some of our favorite white wines from the recent posts Bacchus and Beery Wine Reviews page.
June 30, 2011
I guess technically chrysanthemum tea shouldn't be called a tea, since there are no tea leaves involved. Chrysanthemum drink, rather, is made by brewing dried chrysanthemum flowers in hot water for several minutes.
June 29, 2011
My absolute favorite of the four things I made for the bridal shower was this punch. For starters, I just love sparkling wine.
June 28, 2011
After watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s, I decided I was going to become a martini drinker as soon as I was old enough to drink. One year for my birthday, my Dad decided to indulge me.
June 27, 2011
It just goes to prove the cliché that one girl’s junk is another girl’s treasure. I can roll my eyes all I want at the seashell- and button-keepers of the world, but the truth is that a large portion of the trans-Atlantic pallet of boxes I unwrapped contained my cookbook collection.
June 26, 2011
It’s rhubarb season and if you visit your local farmer’s market right now I’m sure you will find plenty of this antioxidant-rich vegetable there. My last visit to our local market showcased some fresh and beautiful rhubarb.
June 25, 2011
Blueberries are everywhere right now and totally gorgeous so we decided to slush-er-ize them for a refreshing friday treat. It’s a short, easy and healthy recipe today. Add a little citron vodka for an extra special slushie.
June 24, 2011
The lovely thing about slushies is that you can make them almost any flavor(s) you want. When it’s warm out, I tend to gravitate toward the fruity side of life.
June 23, 2011
Well it was my FAVORITE to make while I was learning drinks, because it was just so easy! So I figure everyone should know how to make it!
June 22, 2011
We are also celebrating around these parts by having a backyard summer BBQ–I made my standard summer picnic pasta salad which my family has never had before! Weird, because I’ve been making it for years–just never made it around here, I guess.
June 21, 2011
Champagne hasn’t been my friend for a long time. I go from bubbly to drunk to very hungover and unhappy in a matter of sips, and it’s a major thumbs down in that I adore a fizzy tipple once in a while.
June 20, 2011
Isn't this how a morning should start? To sit in a balcony (or a garden, if the luxury permits) with cool (yes not hot) sunshine breezing your open hair, while you read a newspaper or magazine with a nice filling drink.
June 19, 2011
I knew I wanted to recreate this drink at home, and thought that it would be perfect for our Memorial Day cookout. However, when Memorial Day rolled around it was so swelteringly hot that the mere thought of alcohol made me nauseous.
June 18, 2011
I don't drink alcohol, however, I absolutely love fun, girly drinks in fancy glasses. Hence, this deliciously refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage that I am calling a Ginger Lime Mocktail.
June 17, 2011
I just bought bottles of Canadian ginseng slices recently and I thought it is now a perfect time to use them since this ginseng is well known for its cooling property in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
June 16, 2011
So yes, milkshakes are the be-all end-all of deliciousness. I wouldn’t lie to you. But when you don’t have a flavor of ice cream that would go with, oh, say bananas and bacon then what’s a girl to do? Make her own “ice cream” of course!
June 15, 2011
We are having a heat wave & it definitely feels like summer here in South Norwalk. Yesterday, toward the end of the day we whipped up Strawberry Watermelon Coolers and they totally did the trick in helping us beat the heat.
June 12, 2011
Basil Momma
One of my favorite ways to enjoy my iced tea is with a fruit puree. If I had taken a picture yesterday I could show you my pretty peach tea I made. Alas, the boys and I drank it before the thought occurred to me to snap a picture!
June 11, 2011
Lucky Girl Sweets N' Stuff
These looked AWESOME, but I didn't have all these ingredients on hand. I DID have spinach however, and I was excited!!
