Cocoa Butter Oil


Cocoa butter oil is the natural fat extracted from the cocoa bean. It is a stable vegetable fat that remains solid at room temperatures, but melts at body temperature. It is pale yellow in color and has a bland taste and faint chocolate aroma.

Cocoa butter oil is used in making chocolates and other confections. It is also used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.


Other names: Cocoa Butter, Oil Of Theobroma
Translations: Kakao sviesta eļļa, Kakavos sviestas aliejus, Unt de cacao de ulei, Kakao maslac ulje, Masło kakaowe Oil, Cacao Boter Olie, कोकोआ मक्खन तेल, Óleo de manteiga de cacau, Масло какао масло, Βούτυρο κακάου Oil, زبدة الكاكاو النفط, 코코아 버터 오일, Kakaové máslo Oil, Cocoa Butter Minyak, Cocoa butter Oil, 可可黄油油, Oli de llard de cacau, Kakavovega masla Oil, Kakaové maslo Oil, Burro di cacao, חמאת קקאו שמן, Cocoa Butter Olja, Какао бутер нафте, ココアバターオイル, Huile de beurre de cacao, Cocoa Butter Öl, Aceite de manteca de cacao, Масло какао масло, Kaakaovoi Öljy, Какаово масло масло



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