Topweight Carrot


The most popular and familiar carrot variety is the Topweight Carrot, a variety with long, tapering roots and and excellent flavor as well as being resistant to disease.


Translations: Topweight Burkānu, Topweight morka, Topweight Morcov, Topweight mrkva, Topweight Wortel, Topweight गाजर, Topweight Cenoura, Topweight Морковь, Topweight Καρότο, Topweight الجزر, Topweight 당근, Топвеигхт мрква, Topweight karot, Topweight胡萝卜, Topweight Pastanaga, Topweight Korenček, Topweight Carota, Topweight גזר, Topweight Morot, Topweight Wortel, Topweightキャロット, Topweight Gulerod, Topweight Zanahoria, Topweight Морква, Topweight Porkkana, Topweight Морков



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