Purple Flower Hyacinth Bean


Scientifically designated as Dolichos lablab L., the flower belongs to the enlarged family of flowering plants called Fabaceae. A novel garden plant, Hyacinth bean has decorated the U.S for generations now. The flowering vine bears colored leaflets in threes and the showy purple flowers add to the glow of this amazing plant.


Translations: Purple Ziedu hiacintēm Bean, Purpurinė Gėlės Hiacinto Bean, Violet Hyacinth flori Bean, Ljubičasta cvijeća zumbul Bean, Purple Bean Hoa Lục Bình, Kwiat fioletowy Jacka Bean, बैंगनी रंग के फूल बीन जलकुंभी, Bean Purple Flower Hyacinth, Purple Flower Гиацинт Бин, Μωβ λουλούδι Υάκινθος Bean, الأرجواني بقول زهرة الصفير., 보라색 꽃 히아신스 콩, Purple Květinové Hyacinth Bean, Purple Hyacinth Bean Bunga, Purple Hyacinth Flower Bean, 紫色花扁豆, Porpra Bean Flor Jacinto, Purple Kvetinové Hyacinth Bean, Purple Bean Giacinto Fiore, סגול בין פרח היקינתון, Lila blomma Hjälmbönssläktet, Љубичаста Цвеће Зумбул Бин, 紫色の花ヒヤシンス豆, Bean fleur pourpre Hyacinthe, Lilla blomst Hyacinth Bean, Púrpura Bean Flor Jacinto, Purple Flower Гіацинт Бін, Purple Flower Hyasintti Bean, Цвете Purple Хиацинт Бийн



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