Flowering Green Tea


Flowering green tea is a product of the Hunan province in China. It is A jasmine and amaranth flower wrapped in young white and green tea leaves. When brewed, the blossom opens as red and white blooms with a slightly sweet flavor. It has an earthy, grassy tone and an elegant, graceful appearance.


Translations: Ziedoši Zaļā tēja, Žiedinės Žalioji arbata, Înflorire ceai verde, Cvatnja zeleni čaj, Trà xanh có hoa, Kwitnienia zielonej herbaty, Bloei Groene Thee, ग्रीन चाय फूल, Floração do chá verde, Цветение зеленого чая, Ανθοφορίας Πράσινο Τσάι, المزهرة الشاي الأخضر, 녹차 꽃, Kvetoucí Zelený čaj, Цветања Зелени чај, Pamumulaklak Green Tea, 开花绿茶, Floració Te Verd, Cvetoče Zeleni čaj, Kvitnúce Zelený čaj, Fioritura tè verde, פריחה תה ירוק, Blommande Green Tea, Berbunga Teh Hijau, 緑茶を開花, Floraison de thé vert, Blühende Green Tea, Blomstrende grøn te, Blomstrende Grønn te, Floración Té Verde, Цвітіння зеленого чаю, Kukinta Green Tea, Цъфтеж Зелен чай



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