Wealthy Apple


An older variety of apple that is able to endure and grow well in colder climates. The wealthy is a medium to large size apple with a greenish-yellow and red outer skin covering a white to cream colored flesh. This apple provides crisp textured meat with a tart flavor. It is a variety that is often used for pies, cakes, sauces, juice, and cider.


Translations: Pārtikušie Apple, Turtingi Apple, Înstărit Apple, Bogati Apple, Apple giàu, Apple bogatych, Rijke Apple, अमीर सेब, Apple ricos, Богатые Apple, Πλούσιοι Apple, الغنية أبل, 부유한 애플, Bohatí Apple, Богати јабука, Mayaman Apple, 富丽苹果, Rics Apple, Premožni Apple, Bohatí Apple, Ricchi di Apple, עשירים אפל, Rika Apple, Kaya Apple, ウェルシーアップル, Riches Apple, Wohlhabende Apple, Velhavende Apple, Velstående Apple, Ricos Apple, Багаті Apple, Varakkaat Apple, Заможните Apple



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