Horses Milk


Horse milk is being billed as a gourmet food that is a healthier alternative than dog or cat milk. Descriptions of the taste range from 'fruity' to 'hazelnut-like' and it is sold and used more commonly in Europe than in the United States


Translations: Zirgi Piens, Arkliai Pienas, Cai de lapte, Konji mlijeka, Sữa ngựa, Mleko koni, Paarden Melk, घोड़ों दूध, Cavalos Leite, Лошади молока, Γάλα άλογα, الخيول الحليب, 말들이 우유, Koně mléko, Коњи млека, Kabayo Milk, 马乳, Els cavalls de llet, Konji Mleko, Kone mlieko, Cavalli Latte, סוסים חלב, Hästar Mjölk, Susu Kuda, 馬はミルク, Chevaux de lait, Heste Mælk, Hester Milk, Los caballos de leche, Коні молока, Hevoset Maito, Коне Мляко



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