Sweet Whey


Whey or milk plasma is the remaining liquid after the milk has been curdled and strained.

Sweet whey is made during the making of rennet types of hard cheese like Cheddar or Swiss cheese. The other type of whey is called Acid whey or sour whey which is made during the making of acid type cheese like Cottage Cheese.


Other names: Whey
Translations: Saldo sūkalu, Saldžių išrūgų, Zer dulce, Slatke sirutke, Serwatka słodka, Zoete wei, मिठाई मट्ठा, Sweet Сывороточный, Γλυκό Ορός γάλακτος, حلوة مصل الحليب, 달콤한 유장, Sladké syrovátky, Sweet patis ng gatas, 甜乳清粉, Sèrum dolça, Sweet Sirotka, Sladkej srvátky, Siero, מי גבינה מתוקים, Söt vassle, Свеет Сурутка, スウィート乳, Lactosérum Doux, Süßmolke, Sweet Valle, Sweet Myse, Suero dulce, Sweet Сироваткові, Sweet Hera, Сладки Суроватка



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