Teaseed Oil


Teaseed oil or camellia oil comes from cold pressing Camellia leaves, and has a color similar to grapeseed oil or olive oil.

It is great for cooking because of its high flash point. This means it can withstand high heat and is perfect for frying. It is also very healthy, contains antioxidants, and can add nutritional value to the food cooked in it.

Tea seed oil is different from Tea tree oil and should never be confused with it. Tea tree oil is used for medicinal purposes.


Other names: Camellia Oil, Tea Oil
Translations: Teaseed Nafta, Teaseed Nafta, Teaseed ulei, Teaseed nafte, Teaseed dầu, Olie Teaseed, Teaseed तेल, Teaseed нефти, Teaseed النفط, Teaseed 오일, Teaseed Minyak, Teaseed油, Oli de llavor de te, Teaseed שמן, Teaseed Olja, Теасеед нафте, Teaseedオイル, Huile de graines de thé, Aceite de semilla de té, Teaseed нафти, Teaseed Öljy, Teaseed петрола



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