Carolina Cross Watermelon


'Carolina Cross' is generally ready for harvest 100 days after sowing. These melons weigh up to 100 pounds, and are 20 inches in diameter or more. The rind is light green with dark green longitudinal striping, and the flesh is salmon-colored and sweet. Does best if started early indoors and transplanted out Watermelons generally do best in warm climates. Cool weather will not produce good fruits, but some of the adversity of cool weather can be overcome by starting seeds early indoors, and transplanting them out at the height of summer. Plastic groundcovers are highly recommended to increase soil temperature in the spring, and rowcovers will help the crop ripen in the fall.


Translations: Carolina Cross Arbūzi, Karolina Kryžiaus arbūzas, Carolina de Cruce pepene verde, Karolina Cross lubenica, Carolina Cross Dưa hấu, Carolina Cross Watermeloen, कैरोलीना क्रॉस तरबूज, Carolina melancia Cruz, Каролина Крест Арбузы, Carolina Cross Καρπούζι, كارولينا البطيخ الصليب, 캐롤라이나 크로스 수박, Carolina kříž Meloun, Каролина крст Лубеница, Carolina Cross pakwan, 卡罗莱纳十字西瓜, Carolina Creu de la síndria, Carolina Cross Lubenica, Carolina kríž Meloun, Carolina Watermelon Croce, קרוליינה קרוס אבטיח, Carolina Cross Vattenmelon, Carolina Cross Semangka, カロリーナクロススイカ, Caroline Melon d'eau de la Croix-, Carolina Cross Vandmelon, Carolina Cross Vannmelon, Carolina Cruz de la sandía, Кароліна Хрест Кавуни, Carolina Cross Vesimeloni, Каролина кръст диня



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