Pacific Beauty Apple


The Pacific Beauty Apple is a large vigorous fruit that originated from New Zealand. It is harvested about one week before the Gala apple is harvested.


Translations: Ramiojo vandenyno Grožio Apple, Pacific frumuseţe Apple, Pacific Ljepota Apple, Vẻ đẹp Thái Bình Dương Apple, Apple Beauty Pacyfiku, प्रशांत सौंदर्य एप्पल, Pacífico Apple Beleza, Тихий океан красоты Apple, Pacific Apple Ομορφιά, المحيط الهادئ الجمال أبل, 태평양 뷰티 애플, Pacifik Krása Apple, Kecantikan Pasifik Apple, 太平洋美苹果, Apple bellesa del Pacífic, Tichomorie Krása Apple, Pacifico bellezza Apple, השקט אפל יופי, Pacific Skönhet Apple, Атлантиц Лепота Аппле, 太平洋美容アップル, Apple beauté du Pacifique, Apple belleza del Pacífico, Тихий океан краси Apple, Tyynenmeren Kauneus Apple, Тихо красота Apple



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